International cooperation is one of the five priorities listed in the Strategy for the Development of Information Security of the Republic of Serbia. In accordance with that, in 2018, the Republic of Serbia made a decision on sponsoring the Confidence Building Measure No. 9, which refers to national terminologies and definitions of terms in the field of information security:

“In order to reduce the risk of misunderstandings in the absence of agreed terminology and to further a continuing dialogue, participating States will, as a first step, voluntarily provide a list of national terminology related to security of and in the use of ICTs accompanied by an explanation or definition of each term. Each participating State will voluntarily select those terms it deems most relevant for sharing. In the longer term, participating States will endeavour to produce a consensus glossary.”

The implementation plan consists of the following steps:

  1. List of defined terms will be taken from the legislation of each member state, together with the definitions of each term in the language in which the legal act is written;
  2. If a Member State officially publishes a legal act in English, the term and definition in the English language will be added to the table;
  3. If a Member State has not officially published a legal act in English, a translation of the term will be entered in the table without translation of the definition;
  4. A complete list of terms and their definitions will be made available through the POLIS platform;
  5. Member States will be kindly requested to review the published list of terms from their legislation and provide remarks and comments, as well as to provide translations of the definition for which the translation into English was not available;
  6. After completing the entry of terms and definitions, a list of all terms defined in any Member State will be made.

An analysis of the used terminology, similarities and differences in the definitions of terms will be made based on the obtained results. This analysis will be delivered to all Member States for discussion.

At this stage, we do not intend to undertake activities on producing a consensus glossary.