Welcome to the official website of the national terminologies and definitions of terms in the field of information security.

Confidence-building measures (CBMs) were developed by the OSCE IWG to reduce the risks of conflict stemming from the use of information and communication technologies.

The initial set of 11 OSCE Confidence-building measures was adopted by decision 1106 at the 975th Plenary Meeting of the OSCE in 2013, and later by a new decision 1202 at the 1092nd Plenary Meeting in 2016 this set of CBMs supplemented with 5 more, so today we have a total of 16 OSCE Confidence-building measures.

The OSCE recognized the efforts that Serbia has invested in the development of information security in recent years, and in mid-2018. offered Serbia and Serbia was decided to accept to be a sponsor of Confidence Building Measure No. 9, which refers to national terminologies and definitions of terms in the field of information security.

In that manner, Serbia was set up this website, which is publicly available.